Leaky ducts, frozen coils, and clogged filters can keep your AC from running at its best. If you notice the AC is running but no cold air is coming out, there are several issues you could be dealing with.
With the best air conditioner repair Sacramento offers, you can quickly diagnose and repair common AC issues. Taking care of routine maintenance tasks, like cleaning your filters, can also help you troubleshoot problems. To learn more about the causes of an air conditioner not blowing cold air, read on.
What Can Cause Your AC to Run But Not Blow Cold Air?
During the summertime, you may notice your AC running without blowing any cold air. This situation can commonly happen if you have a frozen AC. However, there can be other potential causes as well.
1. Clogged Air Filter
As a part of your routine AC maintenance, you should be changing or cleaning your air filters every 30 to 90 days. Based on the manufacturer’s specifications, this timeline can vary. Regardless of the type of filter, you should check it every 30 days during the summer to ensure it isn’t clogged.
If the air filter becomes clogged, it limits your AC’s airflow and makes your AC work harder to finish the same tasks. Your air filter is more likely to get dirty if you have a large house or indoor pets.
2. Frozen Evaporator Coil
If you have a frozen evaporator coil, you can get help from the top air conditioner repair services in Sacramento. Dirty evaporator coils can develop mold. When there’s a refrigerant leak in your system, it can cause the evaporator to freeze. You’ll know if it’s frozen because you’ll actually see ice buildup.
A frozen evaporator coil can be caused by refrigerant leaking, dirty air filters, or faulty fans. They can also freeze from overuse on a hot day. Once the evaporator coil is frozen, you will have to wait for it to unfreeze before you can use your AC again. If you’re dealing with this issue frequently, it’s important to schedule AC repair in Sacramento for professional inspection and all types of repair services.
3. Tripped Breaker
Another common cause of warm air coming out of your AC is a tripped breaker. Normally, your AC is connected to two breakers. One is on the inside of your house, and the other is on the outside.
When the outside breaker gets tripped, your AC will keep running. However, it will blow hot air instead of cold air. Fixing this issue is as simple as flipping a switch on the breaker. If you notice this problem happening frequently, you may need to schedule AC maintenance and repair services to see if there’s an underlying electrical or mechanical problem.
4. Refrigerant Leaks
You should never attempt to repair refrigerant leaks yourself. Call for emergency air conditioner repair services immediately, as leaking refrigerant can be harmful to your health. Additionally, you’re legally required to get refrigerant leaks repaired by someone who has their Section 608 certification.
Leaky refrigerant keeps your AC from cooling the air properly, and it can also cause your evaporator coil to become frozen over. If you notice the following symptoms, you may be dealing with a refrigerant leak.
- Hissing noises
- No cold air
- Increased energy bills
- Longer cooling cycles
- Higher humidity
Breathing leaky refrigerant can be harmful to your health. If you think any refrigerant is leaking from your AC, turn off your AC and call for 24-hour air conditioner repair immediately.
5. Thermostat Settings
During your routine air conditioner maintenance, an HVAC technician can check your thermostat to make sure it’s working properly. Even if your thermostat is in perfect working order, someone in your household may change the settings.
Look at the temperature setting. If it is in fan mode, switch it to auto so that it only runs when cooling is needed. You may also want to replace the batteries if it’s been a while since they were last replaced.
6. Blocked Condenser Unit
The condenser unit is located outside of your home. It contains the condenser coil and fins. Normally, the condenser fan draws air into the unit. Airborne debris, dirt, and weeds can end up clogging the coil, which prevents airflow.
When the condenser unit is blocked, it can cause a lack of cold air and decreased energy efficiency. It can even cause the entire system to shut down.
You can try to remedy this problem by removing debris and plants from around your air conditioning. If your condenser unit needs a more intensive cleaning, you should reach out to the best air conditioning service Sacramento offers.
7. Undersized AC
Your AC’s capacity is chosen because of the size of your home, climate, and cooling preference. If the AC can’t keep up with the cooling load, you may end up with a frozen AC and other repair issues.
Instead of cycling off and on, undersized units remain on for extended periods of time on hot days. This causes unnecessary wear and tear on your machine.
If your AC isn’t properly matched to your home’s size, you need to get a professional air conditioner replacement. By replacing your AC, you can enjoy better energy efficiency and a more comfortable home
8. Leaky Ducts
Sometimes, the cause of your AC not blowing cold air is duct leaks. If your ductwork isn’t perfectly sealed, your system may be losing cold air before the airflow can reach your vents. One common spot for leaks is where the duct connects to the vents. Leaks can also occur in the ducts that are behind your walls and ceilings.
Fortunately, this is a relatively easy problem to fix. With the appropriate sealant, you can seal your ducts and prevent future air loss. This simple fix can also improve your energy efficiency, so you can save money on your power bill.
What to Do If Your AC Is Running But Isn’t Blowing Cold Air
Before you arrange for a new AC installation, it’s important to see if your air conditioner can be repaired instead. There are a few steps you can take to clean and inspect your AC for problems. If these steps aren’t enough, you may need to get professional AC repair in Sacramento.
Replace or Clean Dirty Air Filters
When you have a busy life, it’s easy to forget about your air conditioner filters. To avoid dirty filters, add a note to your calendar to check your filters each month. The easiest way to remember is by picking a specific day each month to inspect your filters for dirt.
In addition to monthly checks, you should be cleaning or replacing your AC filter every 30 to 90 days. The AC unit’s manufacturer guide will have specific information about when you should be cleaning your filters.
Inspect Your Ducts and Coils
Your condenser and evaporator coils can become clogged. While it can be difficult to see and access your evaporator coils, the condenser coils are much easier to view. If they look clogged, you can call your HVAC technician to get them cleaned.
For your ductwork, it’s important to pay attention to any signs of leaks. Joints are the most common location for leaks, but leaks often develop around vents as well. Once you have found a leaky duct, you can use the appropriate sealant to fix the leak.
Check the Circuit Breaker
While you should leave emergency air conditioning repair services to the professionals, checking your circuit breaker is fairly easy to do. You most likely have an indoor and outdoor circuit breaker. If the outdoor breaker is tripped, your AC will keep running but only use cold air.
In these instances, quickly scan your AC for any signs of a problem. If your AC doesn’t exhibit any other issues, you can try switching the breaker back on. Tripper breakers can happen randomly, or they can be a sign of an underlying problem. Because of this, you should pay attention to any other symptoms and note the frequency of tripped breakers.
Look at Your Thermostat Settings
When multiple people live in the same household, it is easy for thermostat settings to get changed. Make sure the air conditioning system is on and set to the right temperature.
Improve Your Insulation
Insulation does more than just keep heat in your home during the winter. In the summertime, it can keep cool air from escaping. If you have an older house, it may be time to replace your insulation with new, more energy-efficient insulation.
Wait for an AC to Unfreeze
If your AC has frozen, it may mean you need 24-hour air conditioner repair. This is true if the problem is related to a faulty blower fan, dirty coils, or a low refrigerant.
However, ACs can also freeze if they are overused. On a particularly hot day, your air conditioner will only be able to cool the home to about 20 degrees cooler than the outdoor temperature. When your temperature setting is lower than this, your AC gets overworked and freezes.
If your AC has frozen because it was overused, the best thing you can do is wait for it to unfreeze. Don’t try to remove the ice because you could hurt yourself or the AC. Depending on the AC and the ambient temperature, it can take up to 24 hours for your AC to unfreeze.
Call an HVAC Company
Sometimes, you can’t tell what the problem is just by looking at your AC. If your AC is running and not blowing cold air, you can always call your local HVAC company for help. A qualified HVAC technician can inspect your air conditioning unit for problems, discuss the recommended repairs, and create an estimate of the expected cost.
How to Know When You Need an AC Replacement?
Sometimes, the best way to fix your air conditioner is by simply getting it replaced. An air conditioner replacement makes sense if the repairs are going to be expensive. It may also be advisable to get AC replacements instead of repairs if your air conditioner is already 10 years old. Well-maintained air conditioning units last for 15 to 20 years, so the cost-benefit ratio of repairs declines over time.
However, getting repairs may be the wisest move if you have a newer AC unit. Many new units are covered by warranties, so you may not have to pay the entire cost of your repairs. You can always check with your warranty company before scheduling repairs to see what they will cover. If you’re not sure whether to repair or replace your air conditioner, check out our blog: Does your Air Conditioner really need to be replaced? to make an informed decision.
Learn More About Ways to Repair and Maintain Your AC
Recharging refrigerant, cleaning condenser fins, and performing other repairs can be hazardous for homeowners to deal with. With the air conditioner repair Sacramento residents need, you can get your AC fixed as quickly as possible.
For more information on fixing your AC, reach out to Fox Family Heating & Air Conditioning team members today.